Anthony Milton
Radio Specialist
Anthony is the radio and playlist manager for Ordior, working directly with our partner companies, Blue Pie and DJ Central. With a strong background in practical, hands-on positions, he has learnt a wide variety of skills, attributes and knowledge. A team player, Anthony is at home when working in a group, however he prides himself in taking direction and being able to work autonomously. With excellent organisational skills and an enthusiastic motivated attitude in his arsenal, he has been consistently recognised by employers and school faculty for his creative mind and organisational skills – making him a natural fit for our team.
On the 20th of August, 2020, Anthony started working with us as an unpaid intern, but rapidly advanced to paid work due to his excellent skills. The lion’s share of Anthony’s experience lies in practical/labouring work, and yet he’s also the perfect fit for office work – a juxtaposition that truly lets his versatility shine through! With excellent communication, listening, and problem solving skills, Anthony is a fast and flexible learner.
Currently, his duties include coding music to websites such as Songtradr and Symphonic, as well as reporting errors and organising songs and albums. Familiar with both the duties of uploading new content and organising old content, Anthony’s duties also extend to his role as the head of the radio promotion department, spreading our best tracks far and wide. He works directly with our radio promotion work, compiling stats reports and organising support for the music that we help manage.
In his spare time, Anthony can usually be found on a road trip, working on timber, or on the golf course. A long time fan of the sport, he loves hitting the goals as much as he loves cars, music, his friends, and his family. A real eclectic when it comes to music, he loves blues, country, classical, hop hip, RnB, rock, metal, rap, techno, and even dubstep – all perfect things to play on a relaxing drive.
Anthony is a versatile and methodical individual. His experience with manual labour and customer service make him a valuable part of a team that deals with complex data management issues daily, and his rational modus operandi is a core part of why our radio and content management run so smoothly.