Damien Reilly
CEO | Founder

With over 35 years of IT & music industry experience, Damien brings his vast network and business skills to the table to expand Ordior as well as our partner companies Blue Pie Records and DJ Central, and their imprint labels’ catalogues of content rights. His specialist skills include the ability to integrate practical internet based communication systems into businesses, building simple and efficient digital content management and monetisation systems, and developing new markets. This combined with his vast and deep understanding of the complex worlds of publishing, rights management and mechanical copyrights allows Blue Pie, DJ Central, and their label partners to navigate the complex global oceans of the music publishing markets with relative ease. With his ear to the ground in this regard, Damien navigates Ordior throughout the music industry and assists the artists we partner with reclaim what they are entitled to.

Damien’s vast experience in TV, film and music production, and his global network of digital entertainment content producers provide Blue Pie and DJ Central with a market leading edge over their competitors. Armed with this personal approach as CEO of all three companies, Damien ensures that Ordior has a leading presence in copyright management and royalty recovery.

Damien is an accomplished musician, composer and producer with numerous international recording credits to his name and top 40 chart achievements.